Thursday, August 27, 2015

Serial Monitor Help Road Map

Welcome to the on-line help system which is created to help you using the HHD Software Serial Monitor application. This help system navigates you through the every part of the application, showing and describing its features and discovering the full power of it.
To find out the common product information and the list of the Serial Monitor features, use this link.
The documentation is divided into the following sections:


This part describes the Serial Monitor as a whole, presenting the common list of its features, the technical support and license agreement.
You can use this link to jump directly to the Overview section, or use the Contents tab on the left to navigate to it.

Serial Monitor Configuration

This section covers installation and configuration of the product, including security-related problems.
You can use this link to jump directly to the Serial Monitor Configuration section, or use the Contents tab on the left to navigate to it.

Monitoring Session

This section defines the main term used in the Serial Monitor - the Monitoring Session. It presents the structure of the Monitoring Session, thoroughly describes each part of the Monitoring Session and also shows you how to create and manage Monitoring Sessions.
You can use this link to jump directly to the Monitoring Session section, or use the Contents tab on the left to navigate to it.

Data Processing

This section gives a comprehensive description of data processing performed by the Serial Monitor. It also continues the concepts started in Monitoring Session section, but provides the full set of information including the description, the configuration and usage of each kind of Data Visualizers.
You can use this link to jump directly to the Data Processing section, or use the Contents tab on the left to navigate to it.

Data Logging

This section describes the powerful feature of the Serial Monitor - the Data Logging. Some initial information can be found in the Monitoring Session section and in Overview section.
You can use this link to jump directly to the Data Logging section, or use the Contents tab on the left to navigate to it.


This section contains the list of most common errors and invalid actions you can face working with the Serial Monitor.

You can use this link to jump directly to the Troubleshooting section, or use the Contents tab on the left to navigate to it.

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